Regulations on the Scientific committees of the national committee ICOMOS, Russia
Approved by the decision of the Council
«ICOMOS National Committee» IPO
Minutes of July 27, 2017.
1. General Provisions
1.1 These Regulations are developed on the basis of the Eger-Sian Principles of the International [Scientific] Committees of ICOMOS International (adopted in 2008 by the 15th ICOMOS General Assembly) and in accordance with the Statutes of ICOMOS International (hereinafter referred to as ICOMOS), the ICOMOS Ethical Principles, the Agreement between ICOMOS and the ICOMOS National Committee, Russia (hereinafter referred to as ICOMOS NC) and the ICOMOS NC Statutes.
1.2 The Scientific Committees of the ICOMOS NC are the intermediaries through which the ICOMOS NC, in accordance with the scope of its activities, unites the international community of its members, increases their number, and serves them.
1.3 Scientific Committees are established and exist to encourage and promote a multidisciplinary approach to the protection and management of cultural heritage in order to fulfill the objectives of ICOMOS as set out in Article 4-b of the ICOMOS Statutes: to collect, study and disseminate information relating to the principles, methods and programs relating to the protection of cultural heritage.
1.4 By establishing the Scientific Committees, the ICOMOS NC expects the subject specialists to be at the heart of current scientific research, to interact with each other, to share knowledge, and thus to encourage and contribute to the development of ICOMOS, to promote the active and sustained pursuit of the programmes of the Scientific Committees, oriented towards the development of the relevant field, identifying areas of needed research, stimulating and supporting scientific activity, the exchange of experience and knowledge, and disseminating information on the results of their work with the scientific committees.
1.5. The ICOMOS NC supports the openness of the Scientific Committees to all qualified individuals and groups able to contribute, willing to be democratic in their activities and concerned to enhance the impact of their programs on the quality standards of heritage protection. At the same time, SC ICOMOS expects the Scientific Committees to play the role of platforms for education, training, mentoring for those early career committee members who seek advancement in knowledge and wish to develop professional competence and expertise.
1.6 These Regulations shall be the model Regulations for all Scientific Committees of the ICOMOS NC and are designed to guide the individual activities of all Scientific Committees as well as their joint work with similar organizations and external stakeholders.
1.7 The primary task and responsibility of all Scientific Committees is to ensure the exchange of information and dissemination of knowledge amongst their members and all units of the ICOMOS NC. The toolkit of the Scientific Committees should creatively and practically meet the needs of the field. This includes doctrinal development, publications, periodicals and newsletters (print and electronic), videos, public outreach, training, conferences and seminars, discussion boards, specialist exchanges, technical assistance/cooperation, etc. (but not limited to).
1.8 Scientific Committees shall be established and operate in accordance with these Regulations, the Eger-Sian Principles of ICOMOS International [Scientific] Committees, the ICOMOS Statutes, the ICOMOS Ethical Principles, the Agreement between ICOMOS and the ICOMOS NC and the ICOMOS NC Statutes.
These Regulations shall be subject to harmonization with the normative legal acts specified in the first paragraph of this item in case of amendments to them.
Scientific Committees are established and dissolved by decisions of the ICOMOS NC Council under Article 14 of the ICOMOS Statutes in accordance with intentions directly related to the objectives of ICOMOS.
2. Governance and system of work
2.1 Scientific Council.
2.1.1 The Scientific Council (hereinafter referred to as the Council) shall be composed of the Presidents of each of the Scientific Committees or their authorized representatives, taking into account that a Scientific Committee may elect from among its members a representative to the Council instead of the President. Each member of the Council shall have one vote when voting in the Council.
2.1.2 The Scientific Council shall elect three authorized persons from among its members to oversee the activities of the Scientific Council. Such authorized persons shall be from the various Scientific Committees and shall be elected for a term of three years to coincide with the election of the ICOMOS NC Council, the President of ICOMOS NC and other governing bodies. The Authorized Officers shall allocate their powers and responsibilities in such a way that their work is best suited to the needs of the Council. The Officers are authorized to engage other members of the Scientific Committees to assist in their work.
2.1.3 The Officers shall represent the interests of the Scientific Committees on the ICOMOS NC Council. They should serve as channels of active communication between the Council and the ICOMOS NC Council and should be in regular contact with members of both structural bodies. These representatives should play an important role in communicating the capabilities of the Scientific Committees as well as in developing a strategy to support their activities.
2.1.4 Duties of the Scientific Council: Serve as the coordinating body of the Scientific Committees. Meet at least once a year in conjunction with, but preferably separate from, the ICOMOS NC Annual Conference. Prepare an annual summary report on the activities of the Scientific Committees and the achievements made in accordance with the developed Scientific Plan. Present to the ICOMOS NC Council the best practical examples of implementation as well as the best use of the resources of the Scientific Committees in relation to ICOMOS’ advisory and other contractual responsibilities to UNESCO, the World Heritage Centre, ICCROM and other international, regional and national organizations working with cultural heritage. Develop and oversee the implementation of a three-year Scientific Plan together with an appropriate budget and submit them to the Conference for approval as part of the NC ICOMOS Work Program, as required by Article 9 of the ICOMOS Statutes. The Scientific Plan should be drawn up following extensive consultation with members of the Scientific Committees; it should be multidisciplinary in nature and should define the areas and methods of interaction between the Scientific Committees. The Scientific Plan should have clear objectives, an implementation plan, and an execution strategy; the budget should indicate existing and potential sources of revenue. Identify gaps between the areas of specialization of the Scientific Committees and make competent recommendations to fill them. Seek ways to make the results of the expert work of the members and the general work of the Scientific Committees more effective and accessible to the whole ICOMOS NC, especially in the conception and organization of the ICOMOS Triennial Symposium. Establish a procedure for the triennial evaluation of the work of each of the Scientific Committees; carry out such evaluations and communicate the results and relevant recommendations to the ICOMOS NC Council as part of its annual report. Receive, evaluate and formulate responses to requests for technical and other assistance from the ICOMOS NC. To receive and evaluate proposals for the formation of new Scientific Committees and make recommendations for their approval by the ICOMOS NC Council. To make its own recommendations or to evaluate the recommendations of others for the dissolution of existing Scientific Committees. To investigate issues or complaints concerning the operation, management, policies or effectiveness of Scientific Committees and take appropriate action to resolve them or refer them to the NC ICOMOS Council. To work closely with the President, Vice-Presidents, and members of the NC ICOMOS Council.
ICOMOS NC, coordinate the work of the Scientific Committees with the ICOMOS NC Secretariat, and disseminate the results of the interaction to the heritage community and the general public.
2.2 Scientific Committees.
2.2.1 The ICOMOS NC shall endeavor to give Scientific Committees maximum independence and flexibility in supporting their objectives, but the Committees shall work within the framework of the regulations referred to in paragraph 1.9 of these Statutes, the ICOMOS NC Rules of Procedure and Budget, and these Statutes.
2.2.2 Scientific Committees should set goals and objectives that reflect the needs of their members and will be supported by appropriate budgets and programs. Committees are encouraged to meet as often as is convenient for the advancement of their scientific work, but to meet at least once every three years. The Organizing Committee of each Conference at which re-elections of the governing bodies of the NC ICOMOS are held should allocate at least half a working day to meetings of the Scientific Committees.
2.2.3 In addition, each Scientific Committee is encouraged to include in its triennial preparation program initiatives aimed at: enhancing and updating the professional competence of its experts, especially those related to World Heritage issues. Meet the needs of new and junior members, young professionals in developing their specialization and competence in a particular field.
2.2.4 The work of the Scientific Committees will normally be based on the volunteer work of its members. If funds are available or honoraria are required, the Scientific Committees shall submit a plan to the Scientific Council for approval to select a working group and pay honoraria to its members to ensure that all work meets ICOMOS requirements for ethics and transparency.
2.2.5 Each Scientific Committee shall be free to establish its own structure and governance mechanisms. However, the bureau of a Scientific Committee should consist of at least the President, one or more Vice-President(s), preferably from three different regions of Russia, and the General Secretary. All members of the bureau must be expert members. The ICOMOS NC Council shall provide the Bureau of the Scientific Committee with representation from different regions of Russia. The ICOMOS NC Council shall appoint the first set of officers of the Scientific Committees. Subsequently, the members of these committees shall determine the members of the Bureau (Officers of the Scientific Committee) by election. The members of the Bureau (President, Vice Presidents, General Secretary) shall be elected for a term of three years, and may serve no more than three such consecutive terms in each office, but each shall not serve more than fifteen consecutive years. The President of each Scientific Committee shall be a member thereof. The President may appoint an alternate to fulfill appropriate duties to the Scientific Council.
2.2.6 The Bureau of the Scientific Committee shall be responsible for the overall financial and programmatic management of the work of the committee, as well as the establishment of appropriate subcommittees, task forces and/or working groups to ensure their smooth functioning.
2.2.7 The election of officers shall be verifiable. Each committee shall establish a fair and transparent voting system according to its needs and circumstances (including postal or electronic), with elections considered valid if at least 50% of the Scientific Committee’s roster participates.
Nominations for officers of the Scientific Committee shall be determined by self-nomination or by nomination by members of the Scientific Committee. The election of Bureau members shall take place by simple majority vote in the form of ballot determined by this committee.
Regardless of the method, the results of all elections shall be verified without prejudice to the validity of individual votes. It is recommended that a neutral party receive the results of the vote and ensure that the results are correct.
A packet of the results of the election of Scientific Committee Officers should be submitted to the Secretariat of the ICOMOS NC, Russia, with subsequent review by the ICOMOS NC Council meeting, Russia.
2.2.8 Each Scientific Committee shall prepare and submit an annual report to the Scientific Council. The content of the annual report shall be determined by the Scientific Council’s authorized officers in consultation with the ICOMOS NC Council. The Coordinators should, wherever possible, endeavor to consolidate the annual report with other reporting material requested by the ICOMOS NC Council in order to avoid duplication.
2.2.9 The establishment of a Secretariat for the proper functioning of the Scientific Committee is strongly recommended. If a permanent Secretariat does not exist, its duties should be specifically delegated to the Officers of the Scientific Committee. The duties of the Secretariat shall consist of, but not be limited to, the following: In preserving the archival records and institutional memory of the Scientific Committee (in paper or electronic format). A change in the location of the Secretariat should be accompanied by a relocation of the committee’s archives. In servicing the Bureau of the Scientific Committee. In ensuring the dissemination of information to all members of the Scientific Committee. In directly managing or ensuring the development, maintenance, and expansion of the Scientific Committee’s website, and, if appropriate, mailing list.
2.2.10. It is highly desirable that each Scientific Committee has its own website with a link to the ICOMOS NC website.
2.2.11. The Scientific Committee may have appropriate letterheads, pre-approved by the ICOMOS NC Council, Russia, for the conduct of its business.
3. Establishment of Scientific Committees
3.1 Procedure
3.1.1 Specialized institutions or initiative groups of at least 10 (Ten) like-minded ICOMOS NC members, preferably representing different regions of Russia, sharing specific knowledge and wishing to form or sponsor a new Scientific Committee, shall submit proposals to the Scientific Council, which in turn shall submit them to the ICOMOS NC Council together with its recommendations. The procedure shall include: A statement of purpose or statement of need for the new committee, including its potential for collaboration with other Scientific Committees. The method by which the proposed committee will contribute to the progress of the current NC ICOMOS Science Plan. The program of the Scientific Committee, which includes long-term goals/indicators and associated programs of activities. A proposed membership roster that ensures broad representation. An annotated roster of related organizations or interest groups, identified proposed institutional partners, if any. List of proposed officers and professional credentials / CV for each. Location of the proposed Secretariat of the Scientific Committee, letter of commitment on its effectiveness. Proposed budget and details of financial and administrative support provided or secured.
3.2 Temporary Scientific Committees
3.2.1 A new Scientific Committee shall be approved by the ICOMOS NC as an interim committee for a period of three years.
3.2.2 The interim Scientific Committee shall operate as a fully functional Scientific Committee, consistent with all programmatic, administrative and reporting responsibilities.
3.2.3 At the end of the three-year period, the Scientific Council shall evaluate the Task Force trials and make appropriate recommendations to the ICOMOS NC on: Its establishment as a standing Scientific Committee. Its extension as an Interim Scientific Committee. Dissolution.
3.2.4 The Task Group may appeal any decision of the Scientific Council to the ICOMOS NC Council.
3.3 Joint Scientific Committees, or committees combined and responsible simultaneously to the ICOMOS SC and other related organizations
Under certain conditions, Scientific Committees may be established in collaboration with one or more sister organizations to serve the purposes of both. In such cases, Programmes may be adapted to meet the requirements of the ICOMOS NCs and other participating organizations. Nevertheless, the spirit of these principles must be respected. The Scientific Council will evaluate all such proposals for joint Scientific Committees, and forward recommendations to the ICOMOS SC.
4. Members of Scientific Committees
4.1 General Principles
4.1.1 The various categories of membership of the Scientific Committees shall be open to all members of ICOMOS, within the framework of the provisions set out below. It is the intention of the ICOMOS NC that its Scientific Committees will continually attract members from among the most recognized experts in their field, drawn from all regions of Russia, and recruit young professionals who aspire to such specialization; that all will be given ample opportunity and encouragement to take an active part in the work of the Scientific Committees. The membership structure is recommended as set out in paragraph 4 of these Regulations.
4.1.2 All members of Scientific Committees should be familiar with, and adhere to at all times, the Statement of Ethical Commitments first adopted by ICOMOS in Madrid in 2002. Failure to adhere to these commitments may result in expulsion from membership.
4.1.3 All Scientific Committees must adopt criteria for minimum participation by all members, as well as grounds for excluding inactive members.
4.1.4 Scientific Committees shall consist of members of the following categories with specific rights and responsibilities.
4.2 Expert Members
4.2.1 There is no numerical limit on the number of expert members of the Scientific Committee. Any ICOMOS member with proven or established experience in the relevant field may be an expert member of the Scientific Committee. It is up to each committee to adopt a minimum of criteria and a transparent, well-understood methodology to assess and verify the competence and expertise of applicants and to terminate the membership of these expert members. All Expert Members must be members of ICOMOS and may remain Expert Members as long as they are members of ICOMOS and fulfill the criteria of the Scientific Committee.
4.2.2 Expert Members may be nominated by the ICOMOS SC, be self-nominated or directly invited by the Scientific Committee. Nominations may be accepted at any time.
4.2.3 Expert members are entitled to participate in any area of the committee’s work.
4.2.4 Only expert members participate in the election of the Bureau of the Scientific Committee, in meetings to change its Program and in other matters.
4.3 Associate Members
4.3.1 ICOMOS members who wish to gain knowledge and enhance the expertise of experts in the field through active voluntary work may apply to become an Associate Member of the Scientific Committee.
4.3.2 The Scientific Committee shall select Associate Members from among the applicants and shall endeavor to involve Associate Members in its work.
4.3.3 Associate Members are admitted conditionally for a period of three years, after which their contribution to the work of the Scientific Committee will be evaluated based on a transparent and well-understood methodology. Associate member status may be: renewed for the same period of time, but subject to a maximum of three-year renewals. Upgraded to Expert Member. Rejected on the basis of non-participation or unsatisfactory performance.
4.3.4 Where appropriate, the Scientific Committee may request the National Committee to appoint one or more Associate Members to utilize their particular expertise in regions where such a need exists.
4.3.5 Associate Membership shall be granted on a non-voting basis.
4.4 Non-members of ICOMOS
Non-ICOMOS members who can make an important contribution to the work of the Scientific Committees may be invited to attend committee meetings and events and apply for membership of ICOMOS. Non-members of ICOMOS shall have no voting rights. No person may be a voting member unless they are in good standing with ICOMOS (or other organizations where a joint committee exists, e.g. ICOMOS / IFLA).
4.5 Institutional (Collective) Members.
4.5.1 When it is in the interest of ICOMOS NCs and Scientific Committees, an optional category of Institutional (Collective) Membership may be established as follows: Institutional (Collective) Members may be institutions, government agencies or any other legal entities whose work and mission are closely related to these Scientific Committees. Admission to Institutional (Collective) Membership shall be by balloting by the Expert Members. Institutional Membership shall be valid for one three-year period and may be renewed indefinitely for further three-year periods. Institutional (Collective) Members may designate one person from their membership with the necessary qualifications to represent and address the Scientific Committee. The Committee may recognize this person as an Expert Member. Institutional (Collective) Members shall have no voting rights. However, if an Institutional Member has a representative accepted as an Expert Member of the Scientific Committee, that Expert Member shall have the same voting rights as any other Expert Member.
4.6 Honorary Members
Honorary Members may be nominated for election from among the Expert Members of the Scientific Committees. Honorary members may participate in all committee activities. Honorary Members may use the title: “Honorary Member of the Scientific Committee”.
5. Institutional partnerships
5.1 When it is in its interest, one or more Scientific Committees may enter into temporary or permanent, bilateral or multilateral partnerships with an institution or agency whose work, mission and/or resources can contribute to the objectives of the ICOMOS SC program or the work of the Scientific Committees.
5.2 Institutional partnerships do not in any way constrain or limit the freedom of action and thought of the ICOMOS NC and its Scientific Committees.
5.3 Institutional partnerships with an individual Scientific Committee require the approval of a majority of its expert members.
5.4 Any joint partnership of one or more institutions with different Scientific Committees must necessarily be approved by the Scientific Council and the Board of the ICOMOS NC, Russia.
6. Final provisions
6.1 The programs of all Scientific Committees of NC ICOMOS shall comply with these Regulations and the regulations specified in paragraph 1.9 of these Regulations.
6.2 The Scientific Council shall review the activities of the Scientific Committee. If it finds that the committee is out of compliance with the requirements of these Regulations, the Scientific Council shall provide advice and guidance to the Scientific Committee to help it ensure compliance. If the committee remains out of compliance, the Scientific Council shall make a request to the ICOMOS NC Council with recommendations for remedial action.
6.3 These Regulations shall be supplemented, amended and repealed by decisions of the ICOMOS NC Council.