Scientific committee on cultural landscapes
The Scientific Committee on Cultural Landscapes (hereinafter referred to as SCCL or the Committee) was formed by the decision of the ICOMOS NC Council on 15.04.2019. At present, the NCCL has 17 expert members.
According to the adopted Statute, the purpose of the NCCL is to identify, study, popularize and promote the preservation of cultural landscapes on the territory of Russia, to promote and implement the cultural landscape approach in the principles and methods of protection and conservation of cultural heritage objects. The cultural landscape approach to heritage implies recognizing the natural and cultural integrity of heritage, the close interdependence of its tangible and intangible components, as well as taking into account the spatial and temporal aspects of its existence. Such an approach could serve as a basis for interdisciplinary discussion and interaction between different scientific committees.
Information about the CL NC and its statutes since its establishment are available at, under the heading “Cultural Landscapes”. A library of electronic links to open access materials on cultural landscapes research has been created, regularly updated and supplemented, and is available on the website page dedicated to the Committee’s activities.
The main tasks of the SCCL are:
- Identification, protection, popularization, promotion of conservation and implementation of protection of valuable cultural landscapes on the territory of the Russian Federation, primarily those threatened with destruction or degradation as a result of new construction and other threats;
- promoting the development of a system of specially protected historical, cultural and natural areas (national parks, museum-reserves, historical and cultural reserves, historical settlements, places of interest, protection zone projects, etc.) focused on the preservation and presentation of cultural landscapes;
- cooperation with specialized state institutions ensuring preservation of cultural and natural heritage objects, public authorities, municipal organizations, public organizations, international and intergovernmental structures in the field of professional activities of the SCCL;
- Analysis of legal conflicts and development of proposals to improve Russian legislation on the preservation of cultural landscapes, including in the form of places of interest. In this regard, the development of the Regulations on Landmarks may become relevant;
- Expert participation in the development and review of project documentation designed to ensure the preservation of valuable heritage phenomena, in particular – integral cultural landscapes, landscape elements of the environment and the landscape environment itself as a place of existence of any heritage phenomenon;
- Organization of meetings and discussions on the most topical issues in person or online among the Committee members;
- filling the library of links to electronic documents and publications on cultural landscapes;
- preparation of publications dealing with cultural landscapes and raising public awareness of their role and importance;
- speeches and actions aimed at protecting cultural landscapes and important landscape elements of the historic environment;
- organizing conferences and regular presentations at international and Russian scientific forums on heritage protection, leading scientific sections at conferences, participating in councils, expert reviews and other expert discussions;
- welcoming new associate and expert members to the Committee.
Structure of the Bureau of the NCCL:
- Vedenin Yuri Alexandrovich , Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor, President of OIRU
- Gorbatenko Sergey Borisovich, expert member of CIVVIH
- Kuleshova Marina Evgenievna, PhD in Geography, member of WCPA IUCN
Secretary General
- Gainutdinova Anna Rifkatovna, Member ISCL ICOMOS-IFLA
Inclusion of new expert and associate members in the Scientific Committee:
Consideration of candidates for inclusion in the Scientific Committee is carried out by the proposal of expert members or self-nomination of a member of the NC ICOMOS, Russia. For this purpose it is necessary to send to the President of NKKL, to the e-mail address of NKKL, your resume and a statement of intention to join the membership of NKKL with a brief argumentation of your choice (in free form).
The decision on inclusion is made by a majority vote of the expert members of the Scientific Committee at a regular meeting.
Any ICOMOS member with the necessary experience in research, teaching, project activities in the field of study, conservation, popularization and protection of cultural landscapes can become an expert member of the NCCL. A decision may be made to include a candidate as an associate member (this status does not give the right to vote in the decision-making of the Scientific Committee).